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PROF-XXI at the Chilean Institute of Engineers

On January 28th, the PROF-XXI project made its presence felt at the Chilean Institute of Engineers. On this occasion, Dr. Mar Pérez Sanagustín from the Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier III in France, a member of the PROF-XXI project, delivered a lecture titled “Hybrid Learning to Address the COVID Pandemic and Beyond.”

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During the presentation, Dr. Mar shared insights on how to tackle the challenges of post-pandemic education. The concept of hybrid learning was discussed, a type of learning that combines the use of technology and in-person activities to enhance learning.

Para detallar un poco más sobre este concepto la Dra. presento tres experiencias de aprendizaje híbrido, una con estudiantes universitarios, otra con estudiantes pre-universitarios y otra con estudiantes de un liceo profesional. Para cada caso se presentaron los resultados científicos obtenidos, algunos de ellos ya publicados en distintos artículos científicos. 

To delve further into this concept, Dr. Mar presented three experiences of hybrid learning, one with university students, another with pre-university students, and another with students from a professional high school. For each case, scientific results were shared, some of which have already been published in various scientific articles.

If you’d like to learn more about the topic, we invite you to visit the following blog: “Hybrid Learning to Address the COVID Pandemic and Beyond.”

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