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Call for Scientific Publication of Book Chapters

Since the successful publication of volumes 1, 2, and 3 of the book “Innovating in Higher Education: Key Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016-2017,” it has become necessary to reconvene this initiative in the current scenario of change and transformation that the entire region is experiencing. In this context, the University of Chile and Laspau, affiliated with Harvard University, the initiators of this experience, are calling for this new edition in collaboration with SINAES (Higher Education Accreditation System in Costa Rica), PROF-XXI, an Ibero-American project for the establishment of Teaching and Learning Centers in Latin America, co-financed by the European Union; the STHEM Consortium, Brazil, which promotes academic innovation in higher education; and LatinSoTL Latin America, which advocates the SoTL approach to educational environments in higher education.

Therefore, the PROF-XXI project, focused on Building Capacities for the Development of Teaching and Learning Centers (CEAs) for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Latin America in the 21st century, is dedicated to disseminating technological advances in the field of Higher Education. Recognizing that many teachers and researchers need to continue publishing, we hereby announce this call for the publication of works in the form of book chapters, under the title “Innovating and Transforming from the Disciplines: Key Experiences in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021-2022.”

Details of the Call:

  • Deadline: July 1 to August 27, 2021.
  • The book will have an ISBN, an Editorial Committee, and a Scientific Committee by discipline.
  • Accepted languages: Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
  • For more details, please visit: Call Details. Conditions, requirements, and submission details can be found here:
  • For more information, you can visit the official call website:
  • For questions or inquiries, please contact:
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