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PROF-XXI present at the World Engineering Education Forum “WEEF-GEDC 2021”

Socios del Proyecto PROF-XXI .

Partners of the PROF-XXI project participated in the World Engineering Education Forum “WEEF-GEDC” 2021 on November 15, 16, 17, and 18 in Madrid, Spain.

During the panel, the partners presented the article that references the main results of the first part of the project, including the diagnosis of institutional practices, the state of the art of ICT in the world, the framework for 21st-century teachers in Latin America, and the PROF-XXI framework.

Dra. Mar Pérez Sanagustín
Université Toulousse III Paul Sabatier.

PROF-XXI originates from the concern of Latin American universities to improve the quality of their teaching and learning processes. This concern arises from the rapid growth of higher education institutions in the region and the lack of adequately trained university professors with the necessary competencies to develop effective innovative processes in the various educational modalities currently available, including face-to-face, online, and hybrid education.

Dr. António Moreira Teixeira
Universidade Aberta

Also, a summary is provided of the changes and impact generated in the academic community as a result of the implementation of Teaching and Learning Centers in Guatemala and Colombia.

We invite you to explore the results from this stage of the project by accessing the following presentation:

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